North East Radical History Festival
As part of the Anarchist Festival 2019, the North East Anarchist Group and the Canny Little Library join forces to organise a two-day event about the Radical History of the North East in the Star & Shadow cinema.
1 June 12:00-16:00: Storytelling session
2 June 13:00-15:00: Queerama + Sarah Li & discussion
Come and share your story about the radical history of the North East. Stories can take different forms: poetry, spoken word, a song, a performance, an artwork, a section from a book, you name it! Themes can cover different aspects of the North East’s radical history: workers’ struggles, black history, feminist activism, environmentalism, queer/LGBTQ*history et cetera.
12:30-13:00: IWW & SolFed will be doing a joint talk on workplace organising and unionising.
13:30-14:00: open space
14:00-14:30: Nigel Todd will be reading from his book ‘Roses and Revolutionists: the Story of the Clousden Hill Free Communist and Co-operative Colony’ for some thought provoking ideas on commune living.
14:30-15:00: Pont Valley campaigner June Davison will be attending to discuss Durham’s strike breakers during miner’s strike and recent opposition to opencast mines in the area.
15:00-15:30: open space
Mapping Radical Tyneside & PM Press will also be along with stalls and literature.
Do you have a story to share about the North East’s radical history? Send us an e-mail at or just pop in between 12.00 and 16.00 on Saturday.
13:00-15:00pm: Sarah Li performance + Queerama screening
Tickets £5 (nobody turned away for lack of funds)
On Sunday there will be a film screening of Queerama – this is not a film based on NE specific struggle, but UK wide. Description: “Queerama traverses a century of gay experiences, and encompasses persecution and prosecution, love and desire, forbidden encounters, sexual liberation and Pride.”
The film will be preceded by a “Queer time machine anti-lecture” into Newcastle’s queer past and future with performance artist Sarah Li.
During the weekend there will be a creative mapping activity in which we will collectively reconstruct what events took place when and where. The weekend will also be an opportunity to connect past and contemporary struggles, to network between different initiatives and to get involved! The library will be open on both days with a special collection of books and zines covering the radical history of the North East. The Star & Shadow café will be open, providing hot food, drinks and cake.
Questions? Send an e-mail to