

North East Anarchist Group would like to share your anarchist perspective. Steps have been taken to ensure privacy, security and anonymity, however; this isn’t foolproof. To view the steps we have taken please view our privacy & security page. Like stated in our FAQ page, we will review the content that is submitted and will publish the post as long as it adheres to our checklists.

NOTE: If you are an individual or organisation looking to post on our blog regularly, please contact us about setting up your own unique author account.


  • Please proofread, edit, and fact check your piece. You can do this by linking to supporting facts or citing sources.
  • If you wish to add a PDF, include a URL to it, we will upload it.
  • You can remove METADATA with this.

Form Checklist:

  • Examples of contributions are editorials, first-hand accounts, analyses, critiques, report backs, interviews, documentaries, original research, essays, etc.
  • Please limit linking to or re-posting from corporate media; if a comrade / movement source is unavailable please provide some analysis.
  • Please wipe your meta (EXIF) data from any images included in your post.
  • Please spell and grammar check articles and be intentional with HTML formatting.
  • Please do not share anything that directly or indirectly incriminates individuals. We don’t want to know who did what. If you are unsure on security culture basics, read here or listen here.

Content Checklist:

  • Does the content give an anarchist analysis of a current event or does it explain anarchist theory?
  • If the post is about a form of direct action, was the action self-organised and put forward outside the hands of top-down groups? Does the action place itself in a larger context ?
  • Are you the original author of the content?
  • Keep in mind anything posted on North East Anarchist Group can be read by anyone.

Anonymous Post
