Study for Struggle #5

A new year and a new push for revolutionary action and education begin. Our reading groups were really successful last year and we’d like to thank everyone who attended one or more of the sessions. We think they are a great opportunity for like-minded individuals to get together, make friends and discuss the world around us in the hope of improving our understanding and developing a strong critique that we can use to foster positive change in the world around us.
From this session on, we are looking to run the reading group session on a monthly basis, which means more reading and more socialising! We hope this will help to foster the growth of the reading group, the North East Anarchist Group and provide a safe space for people in Darlington (and beyond) to meet.
Our next session will be at 7pm on Wednesday 29th January 2020, at The Britannia Inn, Darlington and we will be looking to discuss feminism and how the emancipation of women plays a vital role in the anarchist-communist revolutionary project.
Some questions to consider:-
How does sexism and patriarchy manifest itself under capitalism in the 21st century?
How does sexism interact with class, race, queer oppression?
What are the limitations and drawbacks of the current mainstream and radical feminist movements?
How do we implement a feminist critique into our organisations and praxis?
Why is internationalism important in the fight against abolishing patriarchy?
Check out the texts below and we hope to see you there!
Feminist Class Struggle by bell hooks
Gender, power and struggle by Polite Ire
Reproduction and Feminist Struggle in the New International Division of Labor (First section of Part 2 in Revolution at Point Zero, pg 77) by Silvia Federici
Women’s Internationalism against Global Patriarchy by Dilar Dirik

Study for Struggle is the North East Anarchist Group’s reading group, where we get together and discuss texts relating to radical politics and the emancipatory struggle for freedom.
We hope to see some of you there and if you decide to participate further, you can help shape the content of future reading group sessions! So please get involved!
None of us are experts! So come along and join the discussion!