Study for Struggle #4

Time for our 4th and final session of the year. When we set up the reading group, we didn’t have high expectations, especially in Darlington, but the sessions have been great fun, bringing together socialists from all positions for fruitful and interesting discussions.
Our fourth session will be the second of our two-parter on environmentalism. In our first session, we read and discussed some classic anarchist and communist texts relating the environment, nature and ecology. In this session, we’ll look to read 2 contemporary texts from revolutionary organisations, Anarchist Federation and Internationalist Commune of Rojava.
Originally, we weren’t going to include the text from the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, so it isn’t mandatory, but with the recent Turkish invasion of Rojava, we think it is an important and opportune time to look at the revolutionary socio-ecological project there and analyse the positives and the negatives of the movement.
As above, we are going to roll with just one ‘mandatory’ text for this session but we recommend reading the additional texts too.
Capitalism Is Killing the Earth – An Anarchist Guide to Ecology by Anarchist Federation
(If you want a hard copy of this pamphlet book, please let us know as we do have some for purchase – any purchases help support NEAG!)
Make Rojava Green Again by Internationalist Commune of Rojava
As its coming to the end of the year and Christmas, we want to celebrate too! So if you’ve already been to a session or two, or are brand new, please come along and help us build connections and solidarity across the libertarian and communist left in the North East.
Study for Struggle is the North East Anarchist Group’s reading group, where we get together and discuss texts relating to radical politics and the emancipatory struggle for freedom.
We hope to see some of you there and if you decide to participate further, you can help shape the content of future reading group sessions! So please get involved!
None of us are experts! So come along and join the discussion!